
Intent to Graduate

IU Indianapolis awards degrees four times each year: December, May, June, and August. Students planning to graduate must submit an Intent to Graduate form by the following deadlines:

December graduates
June 15

June or August graduates
February 1

May graduates
November 1

Failing to submit the Intent to Graduate form on time can result in delayed graduation and exclusion from the commencement program.

Degrees are not awarded until all requirements are met and certified by the recorder.


Commencement takes place every year in May. Students may participate in both the IU Indy ceremony and the recognition event for graduates from the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering in Indianapolis. Those students welcome to participate in commencement include:

  • December graduates from the previous year
  • May graduates
  • June graduates
  • August graduates

Luddy Recognition Ceremony

Monday, May 6, 2024
4 p.m.
Indianapolis Convention Center, Hall K

Campus Ceremony

Thursday, May 9, 2024
7 p.m.
Michael A. Carroll Stadium

Visit the commencement website for more information on the ceremony and ordering caps and gowns.