Dean's Advisory Council Senior Scholarship
$1,000 per year
Seniors for the next academic year that have a record of innovation, community service, or academic excellence, are encouraged to apply.
Health Information Technology Scholarship
$1,000 per year
3.2 or higher GPA
Granted to encourage a full-time student pursuing a career in health information technology. Students interested in working in a health information technology field, and who show strong leadership qualities with a desire to pursue further education beyond an undergraduate degree, are encouraged to apply.
John R. Gibbs Scholarship
$1,000 per year
3.5 or higher GPA
One award is granted annually either to a full-time undergraduate student or a full-time graduate student, to encourage innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. The student must have a record of academic excellence. Preference is given to those who have demonstrated or expressed a stated interest in innovation and entrepreneurship.
Make your Mark Scholarship
Variable amount per year
3.0 or higher GPA
Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing
This scholarship is open to full-time students who are in good academic standing and have participated in at least one semester of internship, experiential learning, mentoring, or professional development. The goal of this scholarship is to identify and reward intrinsically motivated students who are passionate about making an impact in the field of technology by bringing their skills to the industry, creating new opportunities and solutions in technology, and introducing and inspiring others to engage in technology.
The OfficeWorks/Tom O'Neill Scholarship
$1,000 per year
3.5 or higher GPA
Granted to a full-time student to encourage students to explore academic and professional opportunities in the technology field. The student must have a record of academic excellence.
There is no essay or letter of recommendation required. Students who complete the IU Indianapolis General Application will be automatically considered and matched for this scholarship.
Vukovits iDEW Scholarship
$1,000 per year
Sophomore, Junior, or Senior class standing
Open to full-time undergraduate students who completed the iDEW program in their high school.
RJE Knoll Internship Scholarship
$400 (Fall/Spring); $450 (Summer)
2.0 or higher GPA
Open to all Luddy majors
The RJE Knoll Internship Scholarship is open to all undergraduate students who are pursuing an internship that is not otherwise financially-supported. Students must be concurrently enrolled in an internship course through the school. The scholarship is applied to the recipient's bursar account at the end of the semester, upon successful completion of the internship (grade "C" or higher).
The student must agree to be featured in a future Luddy internship highlight. Highlight will include a summary of the internship experience and a headshot.
Apply by December 1 for Fall; April 1 for Spring; and June 1 for Summer
Industry Certification Scholarship
$500 maximum; one-time
2.5 or higher GPA
Informatics and Media Arts and Science majors only
The fast-changing economy coupled with the rapid evolution of computing fields require very agile upskilling and adaptation of competences for students. Industry certifications and credentials (such as the ones offered by IBM, Google, Amazon, CompTIA, Coursera, Unity, and other entities) offer opportunities for acquiring just-in-time, ad-hoc career-ready skills in ways that complement existing academic courses or internships.
Completion of an industry certification or credential directly relevant to the student’s major in the semester when applying for this scholarship. Letter of support from a faculty member. Personal statement articulating how the credential fits into the student’s career goals and/or securing an internship. It is expected that up to 20 awards will be available each academic year to eligible students, based on resource availability and quality of the certification.
Samantha "Sam" Hale Study Abroad Scholarship
$1,250 per year
3.0 or higher GPA
Open to all Luddy majors who have completed their sophomore year and who plan to participate in the Luddy study abroad experience in Greece.
Experience in at least one of the following areas is sought: digital storytelling; video documentation techniques and editing; 3D modeling; texturing and animation; digital photography; and sound recording and editing. Personal statement, letter of recommendation, and examples of work.
Danita H. Forgey Scholarship in Health Information Management
$800 per year
3.2 or higher GPA
Junior or Senior standing
This scholarship is open to full-time juniors or seniors in the Health Information Management program at IU Indianapolis who are in good academic standing and have a current volunteer service commitment.
Health Information Management (Gertrude L. Gunn Memorial Fund) Scholarship
$1,000 per year
3.0 or higher GPA
Junior or Senior standing
Multiple scholarships are awarded annually. Students who complete the IU Indianapolis General Application will be automatically considered and matched for this scholarship.
The Perseverance Scholarship
$750 per year
This scholarship supports undergraduate students who have an interest in the study of Informatics or Media Arts and Science. The student must be in good standing who can demonstrate success during a challenging life event—or upon returning to the Luddy School Indianapolis after enduring a difficult life event.
Media Arts and Science Capstone for Social Change Scholarship
$500 per year
Senior standing
Open to senior students majoring in Media Arts and Science and have submitted (or will submit) a proposal for a video Capstone project encouraging social change, for presentation at the spring semester capstone event.
Apply by December 1.
The Perseverance Scholarship
$750 per year
This scholarship supports undergraduate students who have an interest in the study of Informatics or Media Arts and Science. The student must be in good standing who can demonstrate success during a challenging life event—or upon returning to the Luddy School Indianapolis after enduring a difficult life event.
Tyler R. Stull Memorial Scholarship
$1,500 per year
3.0 or higher GPA
Senior standing
Granted to a senior who demonstrates significant talent and future career potential in graphics or sound design. The recipient will have an excellent record of academic achievement.