Study Abroad

Change your life with study abroad

In addition to the many ways it will benefit you personally and academically, studying abroad will open new doors for your career and help you build a unique skill set that employers love.

Luddy Indianapolis offers two study abroad opportunities in Greece and Finland.


Undergraduate and graduate students collaborate with students from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki, Finland. During the Spring semester, the students will collaborate on tech projects using Canvas and other tools. During the summer, students will visit Finland for 2 weeks. Your time in Finland will include field trips and site visits relevant to the class as well as to visits to historic sites, museums, industries, and cultural events.


Luddy student photographing Greece

Students visit Paros, Greece for 2 weeks as part of a service-learning course. Service projects include:

  • Producing promotional videos for local tourism; documentary videos of disappearing island lifestyles, cultural and archeological sites; producing 3D graphical recreations of archeological locations.
  • Classroom work will include work on documenting cultural artifacts and historical sites, strategies for the local service learning projects and review of work in progress.
  • Classroom experiences will be supplemented by required afternoon or evening field trips to experience museums, churches, archeological sites, contemporary art galleries, and cultural events on Paros.
  • Working with local residents, Innovaros and