INFO-B 419 Introduction to Bioinformatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 429 Machine Learning for Bioinformatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-I 501 Introduction to Informatics |
On-Campus, Online |
INFO-H 504 Social Dimensions of Science Informatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 505 Informatics Project Management |
On-Campus, Online |
INFO-B 506 Biomedical Informatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 518 Applied Statistical Methods for Biomedical Informatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 519 Introduction to Bioinformatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 528 Computational Analysis of High-throughput Biomedical Data |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 529 Machine Learning for Bioinformatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 536 Computational Methods for Biomedical Informatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 552 Independent Study in Bioinformatics |
Arranged |
INFO-B 556 Biological Database Management |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 573 Programming for Science Informatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 574 Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 585 Biomedical Analytics |
On-Campus |
INFO-I 590 Topics in Informatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-I 595 Professional Internship |
Arranged |
INFO-B 627 Advanced Seminar I – Bioinformatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 636 Genomic Data Analytics and Precision Medicine |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 637 Seminar in Bioinformatics II |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 646 Computational Systems Biology |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 656 Translational Bioinformatics Applications |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 690 Topics in Informatics |
On-Campus |
INFO-B 692 Thesis/Project in Bioinformatics |
Arranged |
INFO-I 699 Independent Study in Informatics |
Arranged |
INFO-I 790 Informatics Research Rotation |
Arranged |
INFO-I 890 Thesis Readings and Research |
Arranged |