From video and websites to social media and serious games, researchers produce a variety of digital media to educate and inform people about everything from health conditions to social issues, from managing juvenile diabetes and overcoming the stigma of HIV, to understanding opioid addiction. Through precise and compelling storytelling, they are able to engage audiences and change behavior—locally and globally.

Video for Change
In partnership with the IU School of Medicine, C. Thomas Lewis, together with Jeanette Dickerson-Putman of the IU School of Liberal Arts, developed and produced film scripts focusing on HIV-infected Kenyan adolescents who are dealing with the HIV stigma. The series will be used by AMPATH (Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare), which is based in Eldoret, Kenya, to raise understanding about stigma and to counsel those infected with HIV throughout the Kenyan community.
Joseph Defazio and Mathew Powers are putting diabetes management into the hands of adolescents and young adults with their serious game simulation, The Islands of Langerhans. They are developing quest scenarios where the player must manage a Viking warrior’s physical health and stamina throughout the game, while developing and using critical thinking, judgment, and decision-making skills.