Design research brings together new and emerging computing technology to find innovative solutions in all industry verticals. From health care and transportation to entertainment and agriculture, in the home and in the workplace, tools like augmented and virtual reality, 3D scanning, aural and gestural interfaces, and smart devices improve and enhance human-machine interaction.
Zebulun Wood and his students are improving the design-to-delivery process of 3D printed maxilla-facial prosthetics for injured patients in partnership with the IU School of Dentistry. Wood also is working in conjunction with the Sports Innovation Institute and Purdue University to improve helmet safety through 3D scanning technology.
Albert William is collaborating with Lauren Christopher of Purdue University on a $237K grant from the Office of Naval Research for improving the effectiveness of military training by advancing the state of the art in 3D visualization of radio frequency (RF) signals in the existing battlefield simulation environment.

Aural Interface
A prestigious 2017 Google Faculty Research Award supports Davide Bolchini’s accessible computing research, focusing on theoretical foundations, design strategies, and technology prototypes that enable the blind and visually impaired to navigate entirely auditory keyboards without relying on a reference screen for text entry. Screenless interaction untethers the blind from continuous attachment to a screen while fully leveraging their outstanding ability to listen to extremely fast text-to-speech.