Initiative 1: Optimize Enrollment Strategy
Objective 1: Continue to work with the Communications and Recruitment Teams.
- Action 1.1: Create LinkedIn site to build community among students and alumni, and future students. Additionally use LinkedIn to advertise our graduate and undergraduate program.
- Action 1.2: Continue to attend ALA Annual Conference and advertise in Library Journal.
- Action 1.3: Create an annual schedule of when marketing materials should be deployed.
Objective 2: Promote ADIS degree.
- Action 2.1: Develop strategies for attracting undergraduate students across a wider range of disciplines as well as international students.
- Action 2.2: Develop cooperative strategies across all departments to share resources and faculty.
- Action 2.3: Create Data School Boot Camp for summer, starting in 2022.
Objective 3: Work with Graduate Admissions to track and stimulate future growth.
- Action 3.1: Create a database of enrollment data to track historical trends.
- Action 3.2: Develop targets for future enrollment data to compare against historical data and evaluate enrollment effectiveness.
Initiative 2: Deepen Our Commitment to Community Engagement
Objective 1: Establish mission and vision for DLIS future work with community partners.
- Action 1.1: Develop mission and vision drafts for work with community partners.
- Task 1: Hold discussion with LIS Advisory Board to gather ideas and opinions.
- Task 2: Parse notes from the Advisory Board meeting and relate as applicable to DLIS Strategic plan.
- Action 1.2: Identify current and potential community partners directly aligned with mission and vision.
- Action 1.3: Create curriculum map of courses and identify and/or create projects that can connect to all types of new/future community partners.
- Action 1.4: Contact, discuss, and agree upon future partner work with community partners as related to Action 1.3.
Objective 2: Identify and create outreach efforts between DLIS and LIS institutions across the state.
- Action 2.1: Identify and create informational “Ted”-style talks DLIS can give to other LIS types of organizations and institutions.
- Task 1: Write short descriptions of presentations related to timely topics.
- Task 2: Publish the topical descriptions in various venues to LIS institutions.
- Action 2.2: Present at state and city-level conferences in order to re-establish community face for DLIS.
- Action 2.3: Identify existing needs for research in Indiana communities that could be initiated and carried out by DLIS.
- Action 2.4: Establish contact with Indiana DOE to redesign the school library program focus and requirements.
- Action 2.5: Conduct on-site visits and exchanges.
Objective 3: Identify role of DLIS internships in relation to Community Engagement.
- Action 3.1: Define and align curriculum requirements to establish which students should be encouraged to pursue internships.
- Action 3.2: Design a support protocol for mentors to ensure internships are mutually beneficial.
- Action 3.3: Develop list of recommended internship sites.
Objective 4: Explore ways to create community within a fully digital program in ways that are fair.
- Action 4.1: Discuss ways that community engagement takes on digital and physical forms.
Objective 5: Work in collaboration with other IU Indianapolis entities charged with community engagement.
- Action 5.1: Contact and discuss common goals with the Office of Community Engagement.
- Action 5.2: Establish support from the OCE, with strong attention to marketing needs.
Initiative 3: Increase Capacity for Graduate Education
Objective 1: Identify our current strengths and distinguish from other peer programs.
- Action 1.1: Identify our strengths and specialties.
- Action 1.2: Understand our peer programs (or competitors) and learn about niche.
- Action 1.3: Conduct a student assessment of our program.
- Action 1.4: Understand the department’s human capacity for growth (e.g., faculty/student ratio).
Objective 2: Provide a curriculum that meets the evolving demands of professional expectations and the job market.
- Action 2.1: Conduct an analysis of curriculum, job-market, and employment trends.
- Action 2.2: Design and provide new courses that can integrate new trends, expectations, and skills.
- Action 2.3: Cross over with other programs.
Objective 3: Expand graduate education to post-graduate and mid-career professional education.
- Action 3.1: Create an opportunity for post-graduate and professional development.
Objective 4: Establish a funding structure for graduate fellowship and tuition support.
- Action 4.1: Faculty can apply for an educational grant for graduate fellowship.
- Action 4.2: Build an alumni network and use it as a potential fundraising source.
- Action 4.3: Work with community partners (potential employers) to subsidize tuitions.
Objective 5: Increase access to career services support for graduate students.
- Action 5.1: Create an industry speaker series.
- Action 5.2: Create a course in professional development.
- Action 5.3: Create LIS Career Week, including job fair and alumni panel.
- Action 5.4: Continue to develop working relationship with local professional organizations.
Objective 6: Examine, realign, and redesign the courses for the school library track.
- Action 6.1: Evaluate current school media enrollment, course offerings, and projected enrollments.
- Action 6.2: Develop coursework specific to school librarianship.
- Action 6.3: Develop certificate program for students with existing teaching license.
Initiative 4: Strengthen Internationalization Efforts
Objective 1: Connect undergrad degree development with Luddy recruitment efforts.
Objective 2: Create a Study Abroad Program to Finland, to include a Global Classroom component to connect with Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki.
Objective 3: Build an international partnership for joint or dual degree program.
- Action 3.1: Work closely with Office of International Affairs.
Objective 4: Internationalize curriculum, particularly at the undergraduate level.
- Action 4.1: Increase international practices, case studies, and/or issues in course materials.
- Action 4.2: Develop a plan to recruit select students from other international institutions.
Initiative 5: Strengthen Internationalization Efforts
Objective 1: Develop existing partnerships and identify new partners to expand the reach of the impact of LIS research.
- Action 1.1: Partner with other Luddy departments for funding, teaching, and publication.
- Action 1.2: Identify other departments on campus to partner for funding, teaching, and publication.
Objective 2: Exploit the strategic advantage of our location in an urban environment and within the larger IU system.
- Action 2.1: Seek research and teaching opportunities that involve community partners and alumni.
- Action 2.2: Partner with IUB Luddy faculty.
Objective 3: Diversify funding streams to support research and teaching.
- Action 3.1: Identify diverse funding sources: federal, foundational, and local.
Objective 4: Explore the development of doctoral program in LIS.
- Action 4.1: Write white paper exploring the need and advantages.
- Action 4.2: Develop PhD degree proposal in Fall 2023.
Objective 5: Develop new structures of support for a sustainable research enterprise.
- Action 5.1: Create research advisory board.
- Action 5.2: Create department library of faculty publications, presentations.
- Action 5.3: Expand mentor program to include formal mentors from other departments.
Objective 6: Establish independent reputation and rank from ILS.
- Action 6.1: Achieve ALA accreditation separate from ILS at IUB.
- Action 6.2: Participate in the iSchool conference.
- Action 6.3: Establish ranking in US News.
Initiative 6: Transform Online Education
Objective 1: Adopt and deploy educational technologies in online courses to add value to the instructional experience.
- Action 1.1: Invite professionals from the Center for Teaching and Learning to demonstrate to the faculty and adjuncts useful educational technologies that can be integrated into Canvas course sites.
- Action 1.2: Work with Luddy technologists to create workflows in support of developing multimedia-based lectures.
Objective 2: Provide initiatives, support mechanisms, and professional development opportunities for faculty and adjuncts to keep abreast of the changes in and instructional opportunities regarding online learning.
- Action 2.1: Establish funds for which faculty and adjuncts can apply to support the redevelopment of online courses to integrate new educational technologies and pedagogies into existing courses.
- Action 2.2: Develop a series of modules in coordination with the Center for Teaching and Learning that can educate new faculty and adjuncts about best online teaching practices.
- Action 2.3: Create opportunities for faculty and adjuncts to share their best practices and failures in online teaching in a constructive, supporting setting (e.g., at special departmental meetings/workshops).
- Action 2.4: Engage Luddy administration in dialogue about the need among online educators to have access to professional educational technologists and instructional designers.
Objective 3: Build a sense of community among students and their instructors.
- Action 3.1: Strategically deploy social media to interact with all departmental stakeholders.
- Action 3.2: Research opportunities that could come from developing a custom social online environment (e.g., using blogs) in support of community building, instruction, and professional identity building.
- Action 3.3: Research the feasibility and interest in requiring a one week or less on-campus “boot camp” for new students.
Objective 4: Expand the department’s reach using online education platforms.
- Action 4.1: Develop modules from courses into pay-for professional development courses.
- Action 4.2: Review opportunities to participate in the WISE Consortium.
Objective 5: Revise program goal assessment strategy.
- Action 5.1: Explore ways that Canvas can support data collection.
- Action 5.2: Review ePortfolio process in view of new assessment strategy.
Initiative 7: Develop Faculty and Staff
Objective 1: Identify and support the diverse needs of tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty, lecturers, and adjuncts.
- Action 1.1: Build department assignments that support the needs of individual faculty member roles.
- Action 1.2: Provide training and support for all those asked to act in an advising role.
Objective 2: Use mentors to support faculty.
- Action 2.1: Coordinate teaching mentors to support new faculty.
- Action 2.2: Coordinate research mentors to support new faculty.
Objective 3: Build an online community to support faculty development.
- Action 3.1: Create a set of resources for incoming faculty (i.e., timelines, syllabus template, using IU Box, assigning grades).
- Action 3.2: Build a mechanism to support adjunct mentoring and discussions (i.e., Canvas course).
- Action 3.3: Create a mechanism to share, try out, and discuss best practices and innovative approaches to teaching (i.e., share course materials, activities, assignments, assessments, exemplars).
Objective 4: Support faculty activities that bridge theory and practice.
- Action 4.1: Involve the LIS Advisory committee in making curriculum recommendations based on current trends in LIS.
Objective 5: Develop a sense of community within the faculty.
- Action 5.1: Participate in school and university-wide activities as a faculty group (i.e., regatta).
- Action 5.2: Hold regular department meetings that include opportunities for sharing new ideas and concerns.
- Action 5.3: Encourage common project collaboration among departments.
Objective 6: Identify and develop administrative leadership from with the faculty.
- Action 6.1: Rotate chairing department meetings among faculty members.
Objective 7: Encourage faculty to seek work-life balance.
Objective 8: Recruit and retain faculty from diverse background, particularly historically underrepresented.
Initiative 8: Promote Undergraduate Student Learning and Success
Objective 1: Engage LIS in undergraduate teaching.
- Action 1.1: Identify current areas where LIS undergraduate/graduate courses overlap (e.g., 503).
- Action 1.2: Explore possibilities for undergraduate involvement to recruit students to DLIS.
- Action 1.3: Explore the possibilities of graduate DLIS students to teach undergraduate classes.
- Action 1.4: Engage current DLIS faculty as instructors in Luddy undergraduate courses.
Objective 2: Develop Data/Information Literacy undergraduate course.
- Action 2.1: Design a data/information literacy course for a Data Studies minor.
- Action 2.2: Engage University Library staff as collaborators and possible teachers for data/information literacy.
- Action 2.3: Build a set of resources for faculty involved with the data/information literacy initiative.
- Action 2.4: Map data/information literacy to professional competencies.
- Action 2.5: Allow student learning outcomes to drive instructional design.
Objective 3: Introduce Library Science to potential students.
- Action 3.1: Identify feeder courses/programs at the undergraduate level.
- Action 3.2: Coordinate advertising and outreach (e.g., conference booth) for student recruiting.
Objective 4: Maintain faculty information literacy for effective undergraduate teaching.
- Action 4.1: Identify current and future information literacy needs.
- Action 4.2: Promote additional faculty development.
Objective 5: Consider undergraduate sustainability.
- Action 5.1: Explore accelerated programming.
- Action 5.2: Consider 4 in 1 – start as undergraduate on graduate degree.
- Action 5.3: Develop a 1st-year experience initiative.
Initiative 9: Promote an Inclusive Campus Climate
Objective 1: Connect professional ethics with campus initiatives.
- Action 1.1: Provide cultural competency training for students and faculty conjunction with campus.
- Action 1.2: Increase visibility of diversity and inclusion mission statement.
- Action 1.3: Have a clear visible policy for students, faculty, and staff to share diversity related concerns and suggestions for improvement (e.g., anonymous mechanism).
Objective 2: Recruit and retain a diverse student community.
- Action 2.1: Continue to promote the Wilma Gibbs Moore Endowed Scholarship.
- Action 2.2: Match ALA’s spectrum scholarship.
- Action 2.3: Work with University Library on funding for diversity initiatives.
Objective 3: Support inclusive scholarship and teaching.
- Action 3.1: Conduct syllabi review for cultural inclusivity.
- Action 3.2: Add courses that support the DEI (e.g., multicultural library services, cultural competencies in libraries, non-western book history, and inclusive leadership).
Initiative 10: Leverage our Strengths in Health and Life Sciences
Objective 1: Connect data science course and research.
Objective 2: Connect Science and Technology Information Sources course and research.
Objective 3: Advertise data studies (minor/major) to relevant disciplines and see for a potential collaborative degree program.
Objective 4: With Initiative 3 (Capacity for graduate education), continue to develop graduate curriculum that support data librarianship and science librarianship.
Objective 5:Develop a specialization in health librarianship.