Degree Map
Informatics and Bioinformatics Requirements (43 cr.)
- INFO-I 100 First Year Experience (1 cr.)
- INFO-I 201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics (4 cr.)
- INFO-B 210 Information Infrastructure I (4 cr.)
- INFO-B 211 Information Infrastructure II (4 cr.)
- INFO-I 223 Data Fluency (3 cr.)
- INFO-I 421 Applications of Data Mining (3 cr.)
- HIM-M 200 Database Design for HIM (3 cr.)
- PBHL-B 302 Biostatistics for Informatics (3 cr.)
- INFO-I 400 Topics in Informatics: Data Structures (3 cr.)
- INFO-B 406 Biomedical Informatics (3 cr.)
- INFO-B 419 Introduction to Bioinformatics (3 cr.)
- INFO-B 429 Machine Learning for Bioinformatics (3 cr.)
- INFO-B 473 Application Programming for Biomedical Data Analysis (3 cr.)
- INFO-B 474 Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis (3 cr.)
Career Readiness (2 cr.)
- NEWM-N 299 Career Readiness (2 cr.)
Capstone (3 cr.)
General Education (70 cr.)
- Core Communication (6 cr.)
- Analytical Reasoning List A (6 cr.)
- MATH 15300 College Algebra (3 cr.)
- MATH 15400 Trig (3 cr.)
- Cultural Understanding (3 cr.)
- Recommended to take ANTH-A 104 Cultural Understanding (3 cr.).
- Life and Physical Sciences (46 cr.)
- BIOL-K 101 Concepts of Biology I (5 cr.)
- BIOL-K 103 Concepts of Biology II (5 cr.)
- BIOL-K 322 Genetics and Molecular Biology (3 cr.)
- BIOL-K 384 or CHEM-C 384 Biological Chemistry (3 cr.)
- CHEM-C 105 Principles of Chemistry I + CHEM C125 Experimental Chemistry I (5 cr.)
- CHEM-C 106 Principles of Chemistry II + CHEM C126 Experimental Chemistry II (5 cr.)
- CHEM-C 341 Organic Chemistry I + CHEM-C 343 Organic Chemistry I Lab (5 cr.)
- CHEM-C 342 Organic Chemistry II + CHEM-C 344 Organic Chemistry II Lab (5 cr.)
- PHYS-P 201 General Physics (5 cr.)
- PHYS-P 202 General Physics II (5 cr.)
- Arts and Humanities (3 cr.)
- Social Sciences (3 cr.)
- PSY-B 110 Introduction to Psychology (3 cr.)
- SOC-R 100 Introduction to Sociology (3 cr.)
General Elective (2 cr.)
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