LIS-S 632 Advanced Resource Management
3 credits
- Prerequisite(s): LIS-S 500, LIS-S 502, LIS-S 507
- Delivery: Online
- Semesters offered: Fall (Check the schedule to confirm.)
An introduction to management of an acquisitions unit in libraries and other information agencies of all sizes and types. Content includes an overview of acquiring, providing access to, administering, supporting, and monitoring access to print and electronic resources. Principles of licensing, purchasing methods, and pricing models will be explored along with the complex relationships between vendors, publishers, platform providers, and information agencies. This course provides a practical foundation in the essential concepts, processes, and technologies driving electronic resource management in libraries. Electronic resources management encompasses the selection, acquisition, licensing, accessibility, linking, branding, evaluation, cost control, and preservation of licensed electronic resource. Topics covered include scholarly publishing, open access, library‐vendor relations, information standards, contract law, copyright, linking and aggregation technologies, and the management systems used to control the administrative metadata for electronic resources. Course content will be of interest to all technical services staff who collect, manage, maintain, or make accessible electronic resources in any information environment.
Program Learning Goals Supported
Instructors map their courses to specific LIS Program Goals. Mapped program goals drive the design of each course and what students can expect to generally learn.
- Facilitate Engagement in the Information Ecosystem
- Curate Collections for Designated Communities
- Conduct Systematic Research to Inform Decisions
Learning Outcomes
Instructors develop learning outcomes for their courses. Students can expect to be able to achieve the learning outcomes for a given course after successfully completing the course.
- Analyze and dissect each stage of the life cycle of e-resources.
- Compare technology standards and how they support electronic resource management.
- Analyze the evolving relationships among publishers, vendors, and libraries.
- Critically examine laws and policies that impact electronic resource management.
- Practice selection, licensing, and evaluation of electronic resources.
- Prepare and present original content to the class, and actively interact with classmates.
- Analyze current issues or events in electronic resources management.
Course Overview
Instruction is in Canvas. Lessons are organized into Modules whose length may vary.
Module 1: Course Introduction and Background
Module 2: Overview of Electronic Resources Management
Module 3: Information Systems and Standards in the ERM Community
Module 4: Economics of theDigital Content Environment
Module 5: Scholarly Communication & Open Access
Module 6: Investigation of New Content
Module 7: Acquiring Electronic Resources
Module 8: Licensing Electronic Resources
Module 9: Copyright & Scholarly Sharing
Module 10: Implementing and Providing Access
Module 11: Managing Access & Discovery
Module 12: Usage, Assessment, & Evaluation
Module 13: Preservation
Module 14: Trends, Issues & Future Directions
Module 15: Special Topic Paper Presentations
Policies and Procedures
Please be aware of the following linked policies and procedures. Note that in individual courses instructors will have stipulations specific to their course.