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Computing by Design (CxD)

Project-based learning modules reflect the demands of industry and meet IU’s standards for excellence. With training and support from iDEW and IU Indianapolis faculty, high school instructors can have confidence in teaching this curriculum.

Online Resource

This online resource is collection of project guidebooks for high school iDEW classrooms. This information offers a pathway for students to design and build a solution to a problem within a particular context using emerging technologies.

View our project guidebooks

Developed by IU Faculty

Students enrolled in the Informatics Diversity-Enhanced Workforce program embark upon an innovative Computing by Design (CxD) curriculum developed by IU Indianapolis faculty and refined in the classroom with input from high school teachers. Students tackle new projects and learning modules each year.

The iDEW curriculum challenges and motivates high school students to solve problems in real-life contexts. Schools may establish connections with industry partners to provide counsel on today's technology and IT workforce needs.

Beyond coding

High school students put the skills they acquire through iDEW classes to practical use, developing an understanding of how to create apps, games, websites, and more as they learn how to code. They acquire skills in HTML, CSS, SQL, spreadsheets, and JavaScript and apply them to a wide variety of projects.

Student showing a trivia app on the laptop
A trivia app developed by an iDEW student.

iDEW curriculum: What you need to know

Aligned to Indiana Standards & Pathways

  • Introduction to Computer Science
  • Computer Science I
  • Computer Science II
  • iDEW classes satisfy the Indiana Department of Education Employability Skills component of the graduation pathways that go into effect for the class of 2023.

Project-Based Learning

  • Authentic and engaging challenge
  • Student voice and choice
  • Sustained collaborative inquiry

Reflects Tech Industry Practices

  • Real-world principles and challenges
  • User-centered design
  • Agile development

Free Educational Resource

  • Project guidebooks available online
  • Projects are free* to adopt or adapt
  • Students can use free online tools for coding, productivity, and collaboration

Professional Development and Support

  • Summer teacher training
  • Ongoing support during school year
  • Access to online teacher community
  • Designated Slack collaboration hubs for teachers and student projects

*The iDEW Robotics and Internet of Things projects require purchase of reusable electronics kits from any vendor of the school’s choice.