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Computer Science Department Travel Policy

Last updated: October 2023

A full-time faculty member wishing to apply for travel funding related to scholarly activity is generally expected to:

  • Plan the travel early (e.g., 3-6 months);
  • First apply for competitive travel funding through external research grants, and campus travel grants. Information on IU-wide travel funding grants can be obtained through the IU, IUI websites and through the School Grant Specialist (e.g., ) . Faculty members traveling to conference overseas should apply first to the Overseas Travel Fund, International Programs, IUB.
  • With proper planning, the Chair is available to provide letters of support for travel grants, and provide feedback on drafts of the submissions.

Faculty members who are invited to give presentations (e.g., keynote speech, or chairing a conference) should first attempt to have travel costs paid by the inviting institution, sponsor or conference.

After all options have been tried, a faculty may request Travel Fund to the Computer Science Department. Travel funding may also be requested to supplement travel funding secured with internal or external grants, if there is evidence that the remaining grant funds are not sufficient to cover a specific travel expense. Successful Computer Science travel funding requests follow the guidelines below:

  • Faculty members with startup (also known as research or development funds) will not be able to apply to departmental travel funds until their startup funds have been exhausted.
  • Travel funding is intended to support teaching, research, creative activity, and professional development of full-time faculty, and to increase the faculty record of achievement in the trajectory of advancement in rank.
  • Travel funding must be justified also based on the significance of the venue, and the significance of the contribution and event for the department’s research or teaching.
  • Travel funding for full-time academic appointees (with the following ranks: tenured, tenure-track, lecturer, clinical rank, research associates) will fall into two types:
    • Type I: $1,800 per fiscal year for presenting or co-presenting competitively accepted, peer-reviewed articles, artifacts or contributions (evidence of peer-reviews must be submitted), or for a formally invited presentation at a major event/conference/venue. In case of a multi-authored paper, up to two authors per paper/contribution are eligible for funding (e.g., first author or corresponding author, and co-author).
    • Type II: $1,800 per fiscal year for participating at an event or conference without having secured an accepted contribution/article or without giving a formally invited presentation. For example, this funding may be requested to explore a new conference/community or a new area of scholarship, or for professional development/teaching enhancement. A justification for participation must be provided. This rationale must articulate a clear plan on how this opportunity will be used to directly enhance scholarship or teaching.
  • Overall, no more than $1,800 per fiscal year can be requested by a faculty member.
  • Support is subject to quality of the application and department budget restraints. The number of awards can be extended or restricted based on availability of travel department funding.

Funds may not be carried over from year to year.

Funding may be requested for expenses related to:

  • Transportation to and from events
  • Conference and conventions either by commercial carrier or by car (with reimbursement for mileage)
  • Rental car fees when necessary
  • Lodging
  • Registration fees for seminars, conferences and convention

IU Travel Expenditure Policies apply. The Indiana University Travel Management Services web site includes regulations and policies governing travel and Indiana University. The site also includes a number of useful, money-saving tips.

Faculty should complete the Request for Travel Funding form in applying for travel support funds. This form and any supporting documentation (e.g., reviews of the paper) should be submitted to the Office of the Chair. Original receipts must be submitted to the Fiscal Office immediately upon completion of travel.

  • It is essential that accurate estimates be provided in all applications. Documentation such as letters of invitation, conference descriptions, programs, etc. should be submitted with the application.
  • There is no deadline, although it is expected that the complete application is submitted at least 3 months prior to the event. Applicants will be notified regarding action taken by the Chair within three weeks form the date of submission.
  • Each awardee is expected to deliver a brief report (1 page) to the Chair within 2 weeks after the travel with concrete plans to integrate lessons learned into own course teaching or scholarship, and share – as appropriate – insights with faculty at meetings opportunities (e.g., Brown Bag, Dept. Meetings).

This policy was developed in consultation with the Computer Science faculty, the Computer Science department policy committee, the Director of Fiscal and Administrative Affairs, and the Executive Associate Dean. For questions on this policy, contact the Computer Science Department Chair.