LIFC 24-001 - Temporary Policy on Weighted Votes for the Luddy Indy Faculty Council
Adopted: November 4, 2024
- The purpose of this policy is to:
- Comply with the constitutional requirement on Article II, §1 (E), that “tenured and tenure-track Professors shall make up at least 60% of all voting bodies”
- Ensure that all voting faculty members can cast their votes without implicit or explicit forced abstentions.
Faculty Council at Large
- At the beginning of the academic year or when there is a change in faculty memberships (e.g., new hires), the Secretary receives a list of current voting members of the Faculty Council from the EAD office.
- If tenured and tenure-track Professors do not make up at least 60% of the voting body, the Secretary shall compute the voting weights for tenured/tenure-track faculty (TT) and for non-tenured/tenure-track faculty (NTT) using the following formula:
- The Faculty Council shall only use the voting weights when making a binding decision (e.g., elections, policies). It shall not use voting weights when voting on non-binding motions or recommendations to the Dean or the Campus/University administration.
- The President determines when a vote requires voting weights.
School Committees
- At the beginning of the academic year or when there is a change in faculty memberships, the Secretary reviews faculty memberships on the school committees that are overseen by the Faculty Policy Committee (FPC).
- If tenured and tenure-track Professors do not make up at least 60% of the voting body of a school committee, the Secretary computes voting weights for that committee using the formula specified in II.
- School committees shall only use the voting weights when making binding decisions. They shall not use voting weights when they vote on a recommendation to the EAD (e.g., monetary awards, budget recommendations) or to the Faculty Council at large (e.g., policies and matters of teaching and research that need to be discussed and approved by the Faculty Council).
- Committee Chairs determine when a vote requires voting weights.
- The voting weights are reviewed and certified by the Faculty Policy Committee (FPC). Following the certification vote, the Secretary communicates the voting weights to the Faculty Council and the school committee Chairs.
- Because the FPC needs to certify the voting weights, the FPC shall always be made up of at least 60% tenured and tenure-track professors.
- This policy does not alter the quorums defined in the School Bylaws. The quorums are specified in terms of voting members and are not affected by the voting weights.
- This temporary policy expires 365 days after its approval.
Example for the current AY
total | 70 | 100% | |
TT | 37 | 53% | 60 |
NTT | 33 | 47% | 40 |
weightTT = 1.33 (each TT faculty vote counts as 1.33 votes)
weightNTT = 1.00 (each NTT faculty vote counts as 1 vote)